Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hallelujah! sing Hallelujah! The lost has now been found!

The title is true. I found Susan Smiles, alone and hungry this morning, but still alive. SOOOOOOO PSYCHED!!! YAHAYAHAYAHAYAHAYAHAYAH!! gasp! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!! also, green day so soooo kewl

Monday, August 10, 2009

All my drawings are abducted from here

Susan Smiles, Emo Kids, and Boxin' Fox have all gone missing in this terror box we call Abby's Room. The Security Threat level has been elevated to a deep red orange in tandem with the tragic kidnappings. On this note, i have issued a BOLO for Susan Smiles, Boxin' Fox and the Emo Kids. If you see any, use this checklist for descriptions:
Susan Smiles:
Brown Hair
Green Dress
Green Glasses
Green Handbag
Small Nose

Boxin' Fox:
Red Fur
Bushy Tail
Everlast Boxing Gloves

Emo Kids:
Big Headphones
Spikey hair
Horned-rimmed glasses
dark makeup
graphic tee
holding hands with--
large headphones
spikey hair
graphic tee
also holding a black rose for the girl

ok!?!?! FIND them!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Viva La Gloria!

Check it out, my Green Day Amigos! That's right, I made it myself with my friend Photoshop!! Actually, I just need to post this for something that needs an ONLINE picture and wont just let me upload it. But, it is good. Rejoice in the power of my glowing photoshop skizzles.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A thousand islands fall in line

As for the past month of July, I have been in Colorado and therefore unable to post. I'm back now, and am part of a band call Emo Kids In Love. We are working on getting our band together and making some music. Maybe make an album, earn some money, get our songs played, and go to a couple gigs. ANYWAYSH, rawr means i love you in dinosaur please comment please, that would be super cool fool