Wednesday, February 25, 2009

His Majesty-- Oberon the Octopus King!

Ladies and Gentleman, before your very eyes is the King of Octopi, Oberon the Octopus King! Also known by friends as Corn Root Man, Corny, Tha Rootmeister, Rootmanman, and many others, we sent a reporter to go have an interview.

Sammiches Blog: So, your majesty, how goes the Octopus Kingdom?
Oberon: Quite well, actually, business is booming.

Sammiches Blog: Do you actually have wings?
Oberon: No. That was really an trick of the camera. Interesting, though, innit?
Sammiches Blog: What is your opinion of Squids?
Oberon: Squids? Navy sailors or animals?
Sammiches Blog: Both!
Oberon: The Navy Sailors are interesting. They are nice fellows. Talkative, and we have saved may a squid that "drowned" in a ship sinking/crash/explosion. The fish kind of squids are like cats. Many are wild, but the majority are pets.
Sammiches Blog: Coolness. It's lunch. You wanna go grab some lunch?
Oberon: Sure.


Sketches tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A reason of treason

I have a legit reason for not posting yesterday. I really just didn't feel like it. But look!I got pictures working!zombies

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oberon the Octopus King has Staphylococcus, Interview postponed till the 'morrow.

AWRITE EVERYBODY!! PUT YO HANDS UP FO THE FIRST Sammich restipee on this blog!!

How to make the delectable dish known as the Elvis Sammich, as Elvis loved this sammich. Honor the King of Rock 'n' Roll with this easy platter of awesome!

You will need:
1 ripe banana
Peanut Butter
2 slices of bread (I used whole grain, but any kind is fine0

Step Un: Mash the banana in a bowl with a potato masher. Continue till it is a creamy unappetizing off-white/yellow pasty mush.

Step Du: Spread the banana mush on one slice of bread!

Step Trois: Spread a dollop of Peanut Butter on the other slice o' bready goodness.

Step Quatre: Slap the two slices o' Bredd together!

Step Cinq: Put a skillet on the stove. Turn tha heat up to medium-high.

Step Sei: Slap a generous amount of butter on the hot skillet. We're FRYING a sammich for the KING OF GREASE AND FOOD AND ROCK 'N' ROLL for cryin out loud!

Step Sette: Spread the butter arount as it melts. Put the lovely sammich on the skillet.

Step Otto: Fry both sides till they are golden brown.

Step Nove: Take sammich off the heat and serve.

YUMMY! Soz about the boringness, the pictures did not work.

Music Review:

WARNING: Do Not, under any circumstances, buy anything because I say it is good. My reviews are very much biased as I mostly only review stuff I like!

PAnIc aT tHe DiSCo's 'Pretty. Odd.'

Five Stars!
Very good. Very Strange lyrics, combined with beast rhythmic tunes, makes a good album, yes.
Best Songs: When the Day met the Night, From a Mountain in the middle of the Cabins, Nine in the Afternoon, Do You Know what I'm Seeing?, Mad as Rabbits, Northern Downpour

Jack Johnson's 'Sleep through the Static'
Five Stars
Fantastic Vocals and Chords! He deserves More CREDIT!
Best Songs: All at Once, Sleep Through the Static, Hope, Angel, Monsoon

Oberon the Octopus King Pictures tomorrow. May have to put up a link to the pictures instead on account of the picture upload system being persnickety.
Sketches Tomorrow!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Another Quick Epistle

The only reason I created this blog was that I had to create a Blogger account in order to stop myself getting emailed with all the new comments on Scary Go Round Creator John Allison's blog.
That is all.

My alien friend is allergic to walnut green tea.

State of the news:
Not good.
I am tired, and we are out of Caf-Pow.
If you are lame enough to not know what Caf-Pow is, it is a super-caffeinated drink. See? Now you are at least 43% cooler jut by learning that.

Tomorrow: First Sammich Restipee!! with pictures!
Also, music reviews on last years best albums.
Maybe some sketches.
Pictures of Oberon the Octopus King/ Corn Root man. (made in art class)

"I saw you
in amazement
stumblin' though the day
you told me 'time never waits'
that's okay cause I don't wait for time
All of life
is in one drop of the ocean
waiting to go home
waiting to go home"

~Excerpt from 'Monsoon' by Jack Johnson
(very good song, btw. Listen to it yays!!)


A quick item of worthy note

I am back from Solo Contest! I played my solo 'Arioso and Caprice' and recieved a 1!!! (That is the best possible.) Happy for me, a bunch of my friends came and watched me perform!

Coolness. :D
In case you forgot, I play Alto Sax.

Friday, February 20, 2009

A beginning of an eternal wedding dress train

Welcome to my wonderful blog, Sammiches. This blog is epecially awesomeness as the person who writes these epistles is coolness, too. I was very bored today, so I made a blog. BLOG. BLLLOOOOOGGG. Say it a hundred times. It seems to now be a random nonsensical unmeaningful utterance. So...

Firstly, this blog may be about sammiches, how to make some very basic, yet wonderfully delicious, vegetarian sammiches.
Say yay for yumsies sammich restipees!

Secondly, I will often wander off topic, and talk about clouds, cattle, catastrophies, or Russia. And other stuffs.

Thirdly, I will review and rate TV shows, movies, and music. I have no experience in this field. Do not, under any circumstances, buy a movie, TV show, or album because I say it is good.

FOURTHLY: I was going to write about somphink interesting, BUT I have a contest where I have to play a solo (I play Alto Sax) and very early too and I must go sleepybyes.

Fiftly (is that a word?) I will rant about awesome crap.

Sixthly (word again??) I will post drawings. Maybe, sometimes, sort of.

Seventhlistly, I will rant about adventures I may have had (sailing to an island on mini peoples, sailing to an island of giant peoples, bein locked in a treasure chest and sent out to sea... Gullivers travels, anybody?? Also I may give clothin' tips for goth peoples. Maybe Cake decorating tips too. What can I say! I am an Abby of all trades.

Eightthly, possibly how to treat a crime scene, stuffs.

Have fun reading these missives, created from random thoughts floating inside my cerebrum.
